With a ‘heli’ shoot and land shots in the bag its now time, for me to take a swim into the water to join the likes of Simon Crowther and Julien Schlosser from France who are already out there shooting. For the photographer, it’s the same route out round the rocks and then go with the current and head back up into the line-up. Quite often there are several other shooters in the break and on the busiest days there can be five or six which can be dangerous because there are no safe routes for the sailors to bang the lip and land. Either way it can be great fun swimming in the waves, although the dangers are obviously there with certain sailors taking unnecessary risks and landing right on top of you. Once in the line up its all about positioning and being in the right place at the right time, while also making sure you don’t get mown down by an out of control sailor looking for heroics.
Last year I was whacked in the neck after a full power spinout from Japanese sailor Nishida Waka (ironically) and thought at the time it was game over for me but luckily I did not drown! At least she bought me a twelve pack of beer to say sorry! A few years back I remember Robby Naish having a similar encounter with local photographer Rick Leeks which ended up with Rick having half of his face slashed off and a very expensive bill for plastic surgery. I guess I was lucky and the beer didn’t taste too bad either up on the rail after the session!