7 p.m. So far the weather is calm, but every warning possible is coming through on the radio. The ferry’s still on schedule however, but I think we’re going to be in for a rough night ahead. As we stop for refreshments en-route, the headline on the paper reads ‘Killer Winter Storms’ as we brace for a bumpy night on the ferry.
10.30 p.m. We make it to Liverpool and enjoy a smooth check in with Stena Ferries. Perfect timing as we tune into midweek match-of-the-day in the bar. The locals sure are happy with Suarez banging in four goals past Norwich just as the TV fades out of reception as we head into the Irish Sea.
3 a.m. I wake in the middle of the night to the noises of the whole ship creaking as the hull crashes through the wind and waves. Am I going to be seasick? That is the question. There’s too much noise and turbulence to get back to sleep – this is hell! Meanwhile, Timo and Ross are both happily snoring away! B******s!