“It was always going to be a little bit of a gamble as to what would be the best sized equipment to take on an adventure like this. My thoughts were it is always best to be comfortable, so chose to take as small a sail as I could use but still plane with a big board that is stable and wide. I think the 7.9m Vapor and my 81 Manta was the correct choice, as we pretty much got every strength of wind you could imagine. I had never sailed that stretch of coast line and I had often wondered what it would be like to do so. It really was quite a beautiful area and when you are sailing next to the tall cliffs you are getting a view that you know so few people have ever seen before, so that really made it start to feel like an adventure. I think anytime when you are out on the water with friends enjoying yourself it can make that day feel special and you can totally relax and live in the moment. I didn’t really feel like there were any low points! Sure we encountered some heavy rain and hail, the wind wasn’t perfect all the time and the sun didn’t shine all the way. But it was those moments when the sun did burst through and the white chalk cliffs sparkled, with the water a bright brilliant turquoise blue in contrast to the dark rain that really made the trip spectacular. I would love to do another trip like it again, any journey from point A to point B. Maybe even stopping over night to camp on the beach! Bring it on!”