RS: Jason is rarely awake before around 9:30 a.m., so when I had four missed calls from him at 6:45, 6:48, 6:50 and 6:52, I knew something was going on. I called him back and he was obviously frothing at the bit to get out there. I tried to delay it a little as my wife is one of our videographers and I know how she loves to be woken up early to get down to the beach with the camera gear, but Jason’s insistence was too strong and we had to pull poor Heidy out of bed! When I got to the beach it was clear that it was all worth it. The wind was super strong, easily 4.7 weather, the sets were rolling in and there was not a single surfer in the lineup. It looked like Jason and I would get it to ourselves on one of the best days of the year.