After a difficult crossing of the Gascoigne Gulf, which left Aurélien severely seasick for three days, our arrival in Galicia was a milestone in our new life at sea. It was a really weird feeling to get used to our new program, that each week day was a ‘holiday’. Until then our longest time together on a boat had been a 10 day cruise between l’île d’Yeu and Etel (Brittany). But living on a boat permanently is actually very different to a holiday. You need to cope with the boat’s needs and in our case, our young son. With this new life, our daily schedule was totally redefined. Aurélien and I had never shared an everyday life together, he was living in Brest and I was in Carnac, and here we were together on a small boat with the additional worries and tiredness of having a newborn onboard! This sweet sailing time along the Galician coast was really welcome. It was finally when we reached the Canary Islands that we started to feel relaxed as a couple and as parents and in a good relationship with the boat.