The ‘problem’ with Niton is the access. At the bottom of the path from the car park there’s a lovely grass area out of the wind, which makes for a perfect rigging and spectating spot, but it also show you how small the launch spot is. A little more than ten years ago they shored up all the sea defences here with some mighty big boulders, but left a dredged channel for the fishermen which is about 30-foot-wide. At low tide you can walk down this to the sand bar between the rocks and beach start straight into the action. You just reverse the process to come back in. As long as there’s a decent swell running this is the easiest time to sail, with loads of room and the waves are actually breaking on sand in front of the rocky ledges. There is even a small escape beach downwind to land on if you get into trouble, and this is really the only state of tide a couple of the island’s best kiters might come to share the waves.