We headed back down the track and a wander quickly became a run as now Niton had woken up! The dropping tide and arrival of the groundswell had some logo-to-mast-high bombs reeling down the reef from the lighthouse – plus it looked windy! The other thing about Niton is the rigging game!
Standing on the grass it ALWAYS looks lighter than it is. You basically need to rig the smallest sail that will get you out, ‘cos once you’re in the current it’s always windier, so a slightly bigger board helps. I only have an 84L RRD Hardcore wave, which gets me out but still turns really well. The non-locals outweighed us though and fooled us all into 5.0s. Half the sailors were sensibly waiting for the tide to drop a little more, but after a few more cranking sets rolled through Jack and Scott decided to brave the channel.