25: Talk us through a typical day in the life for you when you are in Hawaii?
I usually wake up around 7am, eat breakfast, and head to the gym from 8 to 9:30. Then I come back home, eat again and take a nap before heading to Ho’okipa for around 12:30 where I sail for two or three hours. Then I either go jumping down the coast or wait and go for a quick surf in the afternoon. Quite often after sailing I meet up with friends. In the evening I have e dinner with my girlfriend, Caitlin, watch TV and sleep! Every day’s a bit different, so there isn’t a typical day, but that’s kind of what I do while I’m there. Sometimes there are a few more things I have to take care of in between, but nothing too bad.
26: How often do you get home to Brazil to see your family?
I always stop by whenever I can, this year I made it back there four times, for a week each time, so it wasn’t too bad. I still get to see my family a fair amount which is important to me. Also my parents come to Maui once a year now as well.
27: What other sailors have inspired you since you have been spending more time in Hawaii?
Keith Teboul, Mark Angulo and Nat Gill!
28: What are the wildest conditions you have ever sailed in?
Probably some Jaws days, some days with light offshore winds that made it hard to get into waves. You have to wait right in the impact zone and just pump the sail as hard as you can when a swell hits and even like that it’s still hard to get onto a wave. Also sailing Pozo this year during the event with over 60 knots was wild. There was a lot of back-slapping into the water. We sailed some storms in Europe too, Denmark last year during the PWA was intense and the waves were over mast high and 3.7 weather!
29: How do you stay motivated?
Usually I’ve a lot of fun sailing anyway, but if I get a little tired I try a different board, go somewhere else to sail or think of a new move to try. Stuff like that to make life more interesting, it’s easy to be motivated if you have good conditions and if not there’s always something else to do.