Benefiting immeasurably from the advances that have occurred in its absence, the Eclipse is back and makes a real statement of intent, with its light handling and balanced easy power delivery over an impressive range.
A familiar name with heritage in the Goya lineup, the Eclipse is back for the start of the brand’s new two-season cycle, recommissioned as their 5-batten wave sail option. Described as their Variowave sail, the focus of the Eclipse is to provide a massive useable range, supplying the power to make the most of light winds and the stability to handle strong gusty conditions. Nothing new there, but Goya are keen to point out that the advances in material technology and contemporary build concepts has provided the breakthrough, reinstating the relevance of the 5-batten planform. And it is certainly a physically light sail, tipping the scales at just over 3.6 kg, making it one of the lightest on test here. Hailed by Goya as Marcilio Browne’s own personal Pro Model (the demand for it championed by the man himself they say), it is certainly eye-catching in its fluoro-yellow colourway (the x-ply X Pro version is red and fluoro-yellow only), and is available in 12 sizes, from 3.4m to 6.3m. Rigged on a Hundred Pro RDM, it displays a medium to low amount of luff curve when fully downhauled, the rigging dot placed on the carbon tendon in the upper panel providing the ideal visual aid. It sets flat at rest, its two lower battens protruding beyond the leading edge of the mast, and only a subtle amount of shape to the profile in the foot of the sail. Detailing in the Eclipse is excellent, as we have come to expect from a Goya sail, with their clear Bi-Ply used in the window panel and lightweight scrims throughout all other panels. There are four radial tendons branching out from the two titanium-ringed clew eyelets (the top two incorporating carbon; the bottom two a uni-directional aramid called Twaron, said by Goya to stretch a little and offer excellent strength to weight qualities), and the overall set is both clean and classy.
“Complementing the Banzai Pro 4 batten sail, the Eclipse Pro 5 batten wave sail is an excellent option if you sail a spot with big wind strength changes within the sailing area, or if the wind is super gusty and you still want a “power” wave sail.”
From first use, the Eclipse feels very light and compact in the hands, its light physical weight, neutral set at rest and short dimensions all playing their part. As a gust hits and pressure builds, however, we were impressed with the amount of power it delivered. There is plenty of breathable movement in the luff sleeve, helping the sail to adopt a deeper profile, but more than this, there is also a good amount of sail area in the mid and upper panels, providing plenty of useable feedback directly to the rider’s hands. Pump the Eclipse and the leverage in these upper panels really helps to punch the board clear of the water and onto the plane, its reduced luff curve enhancing the spring and ‘life’ in the mast. Once going, the Eclipse settles into a comfortable upright stance, its power delivery remaining smooth and light, balanced precisely and inspiring the rider into a manoeuvre focussed riding style. Its centre of effort is placed high and forward in the draft and there’s a real sense of connection with the sail; it has a noticeably clean twist profile without any hint of leech flutter or inefficiency, as if the whole sail is in use.
This is also appreciable in transition, where the Eclipse has a crisp on-off nature, giving it the ability to power or be re-positioned as required, without ever pulling the rider off balance. As the wind increases, a quick drop down to the lower clew eyelet helps to enhance leech twist and boom rake, both of which improve control without the need to tinker with the downhaul. It’s a well-established feature in Jason Diffin’s sails and works particularly well in the Eclipse, proving to be a real asset in variable gusty sessions we have all too often here in the UK.
Price: £740.00 X PRO: £760.00
Size: 5.7m
Luff: 440 cm
Boom: 170 or 173 cm
Battens: 5
Ideal Mast: Goya 430 cm RDM
Available Sizes: 3.4, 3.7, 4.0, 4.2, 4.5, 4.7, 5.0, 5.3, 5.5, 5.7, 6.0, 6.3.