The recent smashing of long-standing speed barriers in the Namibian desert is an incredible windsurfing feat that we can all relate too. That fast-moving sensation is the thing that first grabs us about windsurfing, whether it’s gliding along those initial few metres or trying to notch up a couple more clicks on the GPS.
With speedsailing back under the full glare of media attention I’m sure Christmas stockings will have been bulging full of GPS units and shiny boards and rigs raring to go and emulate our own version of the Luderitz records. But rather than trying to use our cheque book alone, let’s have a look at what we can do on our current kit to make squeeze out a few vital extra knots.
If we want to go out with the aim of beating our top speed then we need to state that intention through the size and placement of our straps. No matter how much rig power you can hang onto, it counts for nothing unless you’re driving it into the board’s forward motion. Digging through the heels and curling up the toes in large straps won’t keep the board flat and just adds to slowing the board down. Straps that are very inboard will also mean you put more weight on your back foot as you sheet in and therefore reduce drive through the front foot. Instead, set your straps a little smaller so you’re always driving the board – and make sure there are 4 of them. Outboard equals faster, as long as it feels comfortable.
We always hear about speed sailors obsessively tuning their gear. So how do make a start ourselves? Downhaul, outhaul and boom height will be the main variants, but also mastfoot position and fin size can reap big benefits. Downhaul and outhaul will have the biggest instant impact. Downhaul allows us to maintain a stable sail through gusts and outhaul to achieve maximum power off the wind. Make sure your sail is well downhauled so that you don’t sheet out during gusts. For outhaul tuning, off the wind, keep letting it off until you find the point where the sail starts to feel uncomfortable and then put a little back on. The best way to tune is to step-by-step find the limits and then adjust it back a little into the sweet spot.
With your kit well set-up and tuned, extra speed will come as much from putting yourself in the right place at the right time rather than pure technique alone.
So, if we want to go faster, we need to do two things, pre-empt rather than react and sail on the fastest point of sailing. We need to be looking ahead to be able to alter our stance appropriately for the gusts and lulls so that board speed’s maintained all the time. Even on a narrow canal, the fastest way from A-to-B won’t be a straight line. We need to head-up a little in the lulls and bear-off in the gusts to achieve that optimum GPS score. Reaching back and forward all day won’t deliver that extra knot.
So three simple things, set your straps so you mean business, make sure your rig is giving the most it can and don’t sail in straight lines so you can hunt the gusts down and bear-off with the turbos blasting! SR
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