Coverack is a tiny fishing village set in a mile wide bay on the east side of the Lizard. It’s an excellent site for beginners and intermediates that like to blast downwind because in any wind from S to NE, the water in the bay remains flat. The only time it gets wavy is in E. The Coverack Windsurfing Centre (Tel: 01326 280939) is based here. The ideal wind is a SW and there is a small sandy beach in the village. Very picturesque, one of the Cornish villages where smuggling supplemented the income from fishing.
Getting there: From Falmouth take the B3291 to Gweek, then the B3293 and B3294 to Coverack
Parking: Payable car park in the “Northern Corner”
Ideal Wind: S to NE
Accomodation: In village plus campsites nearby
Amenities: Restaurants and toilets
Water Quality:
Suitable for: Everyone