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The conditions here are fairly similar to Hunstanton though at high tide, the water is fairly flat. This, linked with the lake and Snettisham sailing club, make the area ideal for beginners. The location is also fairly quiet as not many people come here often so beginners have plenty of room. However, it is only possible to sail for two hours either side of high tide as the water goes out two miles at low tide. In N winds the water becomes choppy making it difficult for beginners though experienced sailors should have no problems.


Getting there: Take the A149 from King’s Lynn then turn left when you reach Snettisham

Parking: Close to the beach

Ideal Wind: All except E

Accomodation: Bungalows for rent close to beach, hotels three miles away

Amenities: Café’s, Fish & Chips

Water Quality: Not tested

Suitable for: Everyone

Our Rating:

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