Writing a Novel – Believe in You
Bamboozled by how to write your novel? Take a step back and read this article from essay writing help. Once you relax and believe in yourself, it can all fall into place.
When you're first setting out along the path to writing a novel, the path ahead can seem confusing, daunting, and fraught with danger. The temptation is to almost immediately skip to the end and start panicking over whether your book will sell or not. Stop right there if that's you! Focus on the story first, and the rest will come naturally.
The Golden Rule
Never read, listen to, or pay any attention to anyone or anything that tries to tell you the correct way of writing a novel. Pay absolutely no attention if you're told that there's a formula or a sequence, or some kind of mathematical sounding calculus as to how to piece a novel together. There are far, far, far too many "helpful" books clogging the market at the moment which are all lining up to tell you exactly how to write your novel. I took one look at one once and then put it down, never to be picked up again. Your story is your own, end of - and it's up to you how you create it.
Anyone who has ever written anything fictional should be able to tell you that writing is about so much more than steps that have to be followed and rules and guidelines. Writing isn't objective - it's subjective, it's an art. It's a flow, it's an energy, and it's got a great heart.
In terms of my experience, when I'm writing, most of it happens up in my brain. I don't actually think of writing as the thing my hands are doing with the pen or the keyboard - it's something my brain does. I almost feel like I'm helpless as to what I'm actually writing because it's just pouring from my brain like a story-colored can of paint. Try imagining that your story already exists, that it's real. It doubtless does exist to you in your mind anyway, so see it like that, and then just write what you see. Just sit down, in a place you feel relaxed and comfortable, and think for a few minutes. Get that story playing in your mind, like a video, like a film. Play it in your mind and then just write what you see. Simple. I frequently just sit and lay in bed and imagine my story playing in my mind, like my own private cinema! And in my head, there's the sights and the sounds, and there's music playing - it's beautiful. The challenge then is to just translate all of that into the best words you can find - but if you believe in that story then the writing will be easy. Those words will come to you in a snap if you just believe in that story.
Sometimes it takes a while, sure. If there's a really crucial chapter I'll take a while over it, and I'll play it again and again and again in my mind until I think I know the right words to use. That's a good thing though - it shows you care enough about those characters to want to do them justice on the page. You want the readers to imagine in their minds what you see all the time.
Trust our essay writing service's experience. Follow your heart, and follow your story. Those are the only steps to writing a novel you'll ever really need.
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