The One remains in the Goya line up as their thruster freewave performer for use in any environment, from flat water to coastal chop and into waves. The series has been extended with the addition of two new small sizes to compliment the five already in the range, with each size produced solely in the brand’s Pro Carbon construction. The 105 is the second largest and comes supplied with an MFC thruster configuration to improve versatility, complimenting its other excellent fittings, including easily adjustable MFC straps and Varidens deckpads. The outline of the 105 is as distinctive as its graphics, with a narrow rounded tail shape tapering to wide shoulders, before narrowing quickly to a pointed nose. The deck of the 105 is domed evenly, accentuating what seems like relatively little rocker in the nose, whilst the rails in the shoulders and nose are very rounded.
“Fast rockers and narrow tails provide you with way more time in the air. On the wave or in flat water, speed is what excites us, so our first and foremost focus throughout the development of the new One has been to leave the water behind for as long as possible. Applying a narrower, more parallel tail outline and sharper rails, balances velocity with control.”
Having tried the 105 last year and been impressed with its manoeuvre-oriented nature, it would be interesting to see how it compared against the new breed of crossover contenders in the group. Supplied here with a 28cm MFC Freewave fin, we tried the board in flat-water and coastal chop conditions initially. Compact and balanced underfoot at rest, it is capable of carrying a 6.5m sail with ease and responds instantly as power is applied, accelerating smoothly, the straps easy to find. It doesn’t possess a particular ‘blasting’ character, encouraging a more upright stance over the board, yet its low shoulders and nose help it to hug the water’s surface, making it easy to trim and control. It has a lively and active feel, the fin providing plenty of traction, whilst the dome of the tail and the excellent deckpads and straps provide plenty of connection and feel through the feet. And it’s this feel that the One should really be praised for. For the progressing rider it is certainly inspiring, cutting a safe and secure path through the water, with a real sense of control to balance its alert personality. You can just feel the board loves to be put on its rail. Carving transitions come easy, the rails doing most of the work for you. Put the thruster set up in the board before taking it out into a wave break and the responsive feel becomes even more defined. The 105 is undoubtedly one of the most capable in the group, with manners that a dedicated wave board would be proud of. It points upwind well, feeling compact underfoot as you boost the inevitable air. On the wave it carries its speed through the turn effortlessly, transitioning from rail to rail in full confidence and releasing cleanly on the top turn. It certainly wouldn’t look out of place as a light wind stick in a dedicated wave rider’s quiver, such is its ability.
The One takes Freewave to the next level, coming into its own when tuned to take on a wave break. Balancing ease and practicality with a loose lively nature, it is has the carving potency to match its eye-catching appearance.
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