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Planet Windsurf Holidays offer their tips for getting your kids into windsurfing – “If you have a passion for windsurfing but also a family, then it can be hard to find the time to fit in a windsurfing break. Family holidays eat into your time off, and you have to put your windsurfing urges to the back of the queue behind family priorities. That is, unless you can get the kids into windsurfing too!

If they are old enough to get on a board and you can get them to discover a passion for windsurfing then you could be looking at years of blissful family windsurfing breaks where you all get to have fun together as a family. So, just how do you go about getting the kids into the sport? Here at Planet Windsurf Holidays we have a few top tips:

There’s no hard and fast rule about what age kids need to be before they can start to learn to windsurf. Kids as young as four can start learning the basics, but it generally depends on the child. Eight is a more sensible age to begin. By this time kids have the physical strength and understanding to know that learning a new skill can be difficult, but also loads of fun and generally are more competent swimmers, which is an essential skill when learning to windsurf.


Make sure that you start your kids learning to windsurf on days when conditions are suitable. That means when the wind is not blowing too hard and the water is calm. You also need to use specialist equipment designed for smaller riders. Most schools will have equipment for kids, and having the right size board and sail will really help. Certain centres, such as the ION Club in Le Morne, Mauritius, even have special double booms that mean a child can learn with an instructor on one board – making the experience so much easier.

Keep it fun
There will be a lot of instructions for your children to take in so try and make the learning fun. Don’t overload them with information, keep lessons short and mix some fun games in there too. If there are other kids to learn with and make friends with, then this also makes things a lot easier. 


Learn to windsurf on holiday
Lessons from an instructor are always a good idea, and if you can combine this with an intensive break on a family windsurfing holiday, then it’s a great way to make big leaps in a short space of time. Also you’re then in a spot with the right conditions, the right equipment, expert instruction and loads of other fun activities to do, so progression is guaranteed.

Practice makes perfect
Once the basics are mastered, then try and find time to practice. It’s important to keep the momentum up. The more time your kids can spend on the water, the bigger the improvements. Once your child has the basics down, you will want to consider moving on from rental equipment to their own boards and sails so they can windsurf as much as they like. Just be sure to purchase the right equipment or you’ll instantly negate all the progress they have made.


Don’t force it
It’s also important to remember not to force it. Not all kids will take to windsurfing straight away. It can be a frustrating skill to learn, and being wet and cold doesn’t make it any better. But if you overegg it, you could put them off altogether. Take the time to listen and they will get the bug in the end. Be encouraging, offer lots of praise and try and be supportive if they are having a hard time getting the hang of it. 

Once they do, you can share your experience and pass on tips and even equipment. Then you can look forward to hours of fun together as a family, exploring some of the world’s best windsurfing destinations. You get to indulge your passion, and your kids learn a new skill that will keep them fit, healthy and strong. Everyone’s a winner. 

Ready to start planning your first family windsurfing holiday? Contact Planet Windsurf Holidays now for expert advice on the best destinations, hotels and centres for your family.

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