Earlier this year, in our June Editorial (https://www.windsurf.co.uk/finn-mullen-experience/) we praised Dave White for the constant exploration of the boundaries of his sailing and capacity for survival – he is a shining inspiration to all windsurfers – little did we know though that soon after publication Dave would suffer a stroke while windsurfing in Mauritius – his recovery has been continuing since but now Dave needs our help and a just giving page has been set up by John Syke to do just that – https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/whitey – here’s some information why – “If you windsurf or have windsurfed at all in the last 30 years you will certainly know of Mr Dave White and will surely have encountered him somewhere on your travels, on the water, on the beach, in the shop, or in the bar after. And that encounter will have definitely been memorable! Unfortunately as many of you will know Whitey had a stroke back in June, which left him with very little movement down the right side of his body and a serious battle to get back to full health. Thankfully the NHS has been amazing since day 1 and provided him with some of the best support possibly to get him back on track on the road to recover.
Now however the family has reached a bit of a stopping point. The NHS support is now coming to an end, and as his recover moves along, they now need more and more specialist machines and tools that can help Dave get his life back. These range from devices to aid walking, through to modified cameras that can allow him to get back to shooting, to mobility scooters, all of which obviously cost money.
Dave has been an amazing ambassador for windsurfing. He has given endlessly of his time, his knowledge and motivation – and now here’s your chance to give back. This Crowdfund has been set up to provide a small fund that can be used so that his recovery can be as quick as possible, with the right help available at the right moments throughout his recovery. Whether it is simply getting back to full mobility, being able to take great pics again or ultimately getting back on a windsurf board, we all want him to have him the best possible chance.”