North windsurfing have just released their new Foil sail. For more details check below:
Meticulously crafted from the water up, the Foil sail is a game-changer for racers.
With a higher aspect ratio, it was designed to be super reactive for a quick flight on the foil.
The Foil masterfully balances the demands of launching flight on the foil – and maintaining light handling.
Remarkably lightweight, it ensures consistent trim, even during transitions, all while delivering unmatched speed in a straight line.
“The lightweight and low center of gravity of the Foil sails really makes a huge difference and performance improvement in Wind Foiling, particularly around the gybes. Gybing on top of a Foil is evidently not the same as gybing on a fin, so precise control and balance are critical. The air cam really allows you to power up directly on the opposite tack instantly, so that you are quickly flying again on the other side, at top speed.” – North Windsurfing Rider, Tristan Algret.
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