Check out some interesting rider insights from the Keith Teboul and Adam Lewis as they discuss the new Pyramid 6 and the Cube 6.
Quatro say: “The same place. The same spirit. In 1994, we set out to create what would become one of the most influential and successful watersport board brands ever. We still follow that heritage today with that very same dedication. Join Keith Teboul and Adam Lewis as they share what went into the Quatro wave range. Featuring riders Levi Siver, Kai Lenny, Jason Polakow, and Sarah Hauser.”
Presenting our two featured waveboards:
Pyramid 6: Surfing Thruster Totally re-imagined, the 6th generation Pyramid is the ultimate wave board.
Cube 6: Control Quad Real-world speed for onshore wave performance.
For more information, visit www.quatro1994.com