With time spent adjusting to its pivotal nature, the Magic Wave has a stunningly crisp carving style and simply loves to be put on its rail. Properly powered it gives you the confidence to charge in all conditions, its instant rail to rail response and speed inspiring you to fully finish every turn.
The Magic Wave arrived in the JP range in 2021, replacing the Wave Slate and marketed as the “best in the all-round wave class”. The 82 is the second smallest in a six-board series and comes supplied as a thruster, whilst also sporting the extra slot boxes should you wish to set up as a quad. Indeed, the majority of JP’s own images show the Magic Wave being used as a quad, and interestingly this 2022 model was supplied with a 19 cm central fin as opposed to an 18 cm last year. Available solely in the brand’s Pro Edition construction, it has an inverted teardrop outline, its widest point well forward of the centre-point, before tapering significantly to its swallow tail. Quite easily the narrowest in the tail of all the test boards, its fin boxes are also placed further forward in the board than most. Visually striking in its dark purple / neon-blue gradient livery, with pink JP logo and deckpad edging, it is supplied with resin transfer moulded fins, diamond grooved dual density pads and JP branded straps. Each strap is double-screwed to eliminate any twist, whilst also incorporating a sizing scale so that they can be adjusted accurately.
“An entirely new all-round wave board that combines and beats the best characteristics of our previous, all-time favourite wave designs. The Magic Wave draws from the speed of the Thruster Quad, versatility of the Wave Slates, and ease of sailing of the Real World Waves.”
This is the first time we’ve had a chance to try the much anticipated Magic Wave and have to say it took a little time to get used to its riding style, but once understood, there are definite advantages. With its narrow tail and forward fin box position, the rider’s stance is also forward on the board, but once powered and taking positive actions to compensate, the true qualities of the Magic Wave 82 begin to shine. Firstly, it is fast. It feels alive and lively underfoot and releases well for some aerial enjoyment on the way out. But it’s coming back in that the Magic Wave really grabs your attention. Dropping into a bottom turn, it has a real surfing style, gripping and driving so smoothly through its rails. More than this, it feels incredibly loose and can alter its angle of attack at will, before transitioning from rail to rail in an instant at the top turn, its wide nose and shoulders providing plenty of board in front of you to throw at the wave’s broken water. It’s an electric board to use in the waves, its speed and riding response helping to inspire you to push yourself. We didn’t get a chance to try it in big surf, but can only imagine that this 82 turns on the more the conditions do – a real wave riding weapon.
Price: £2049.00
Volume (Quoted): 82 litres
Length: 222 cm
Width: 58 cm
1ft off: 35.6 cm
Bottom shape: Subtle vee with double concave from nose to mid-section, the vee fading out to leave straight double concave, before evolving into mono-concave under the straps and through to the tail.
Weight (‘Naked’): 6.7 kg
Fin: 1 x JP Wave 19 cm (Slot) + 2 x JP Side Wave 10 cm (MT)
Sail Range (Quoted): 4.0-5.8m
Sizes Available: 75, 82, 89, 95, 105, 115.