The Verdict
The Gator likes to be well-powered to encourage its punchy user-friendly nature. It naturally gives the rider usable power, which remains stable throughout. The Gator handles being locked in on the flat as well bump and jump conditions, while in its smaller sizes the Gator is able to adapt to wavy ventures and when well-powered it encourages smooth manoeuvres on a wave with minimal risk.
The Lowdown
With a timeless classic graphic design, the Gator is Severne’s “Progressive Freeride” sail range, which has been a staple in their crossover range for many years. The Gator’s range morphs to deliver certain attributes as you move from the smallest to the largest sizes. Sails in the 3.7-7m range are “Gator Freemove’s” – featuring five-battens – they are suitable being paired with freemove boards where bump and jump conditions are expected, while in sizes 7.5-8m, which are the “Gator Freeride” sails, they hold a more freeride-specific outline with six-battens, and are therefore more suited to blasting in a straight-line when paired with a larger freeride board for flatter waters. The Gator is constructed in full X-Ply from head-to-toe, which provides extra robustness to match the conditions it has the potential of taming. Rigged and at rest, there is visible fall away at the leech, which when adjusted, falls away uniformly, highlighting its tuneable range. The battens appear to have a very slight pre-loaded camber to help channel power and stability. In true subtle Severne style, they have discreetly placed some neat features throughout the sail to improve its durability and usability. The foot of the sail has a moulded soft edge to protect stitching in an area which is prone to wear. The tack is encased in a thermoformed material fairing to keep the downhaul rope tidy and tucked away, while also protecting your board from potential impact.
Brand Claim
“The Gator is an all-round freeride / freewave / blasting sail. It gets you going fast\and maximises stoke.”
Off the beach and in some well-powered breeze to fill its five batten profile, the Gator provides plenty of get-up-and-go. Its power delivery is punchy and gets you up and going fast; the Gator doesn’t hang about and doesn’t much care for the choppy water that can work against a board’s speed. As you provide it with power, the Gator won’t let you down when you need it most in those critical situations or moments where you need the sail to deliver. Though the Gator has a real get-up-and-go attitude, it’s easy to use and manage, with its centre of effort centred around the rider. With a tuneable range, the Gator benefits from some added downhaul and outhaul in overpowered, or gusty conditions, to remain stable, in control, all while keeping the power delivery consistent and easy to use. Through the lulls, with a slight adjustment in stance, the sail holds its power, as the subtly pre-shaped battens help maintain its shape until you have sailed out of the lull. In crucial gybes and tacks, the get-up-and-go power delivery provides speed and stability in the entry and exit of tacks and gybes, which are much-needed extras in choppy or messy bump-and-jump conditions. Put on a wave, the Gator behaves nicely, really coming to life whilst riding. The more you move and the more you power the Gator, the more the sail will deliver for you.
Price: £799
Size: 5.7m
Luff: 435cm
Boom: 174cm
Battens: 5
Ideal Mast: RDM Red 430
Available Sizes: 3.7, 4.0, 4.2, 4.5, 4.7, 5.0, 5.3, 5.7, 6.0, 6.5, 7.0, 7.5, 8.0
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